L’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique dispose d’un centre de documentation qui a été offert avec beaucoup de gentillesse et de générosité par madame Nancy A. Bent, Ph.D.
Dre Bent est psychologue clinicienne et chercheure à la retraite. Elle pratiquait à Long Island, New York. Elle était directrice exécutive et chercheuse associée du St John’s University Imagery Institute de Long Island, puis affilié au Long Island University, Post Campus.
L’Institut de Psychothérapie Eidétique gère dorénavant le centre de documentation. Les documents doivent être consultés à l’Institut.
Centre de documentation
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Liste des documents
Cotes | Les livres : CDNB-xxx – La revue : CDNB-JMI-xxxx-x(x) |
1 | Ahsen, A. (1965). Eidetic psychotherapy: A short introduction. Lahore: Nai Matbooat. |
2 | Absen, A. (1968). Basic concepts in eidetic psychotherapy. New York: Brandon House. |
3 | Ahsen, A. (1972). Eidetic Parents Test and analysis: A practical guide to systematic and comprehensive analysis. New York: Brandon House. |
4 | Ahsen, A. (1977). Eidetics: An overview. Journal of Mental Imagery, 1(1), 5-38. |
5 | Ahsen, A. (1977). Psycheye: Self-analytic consciousness. New York: Brandon House. |
6 | Ahsen, A. (1979). Manhunt in the desert. New York: Brandon House. |
7 | Ahsen, A. (1984). Oedipus at Thebes: A classical drama. New York: Brandon House. |
8 | Ahsen, A. (1984). Rhea Complex: A detour around Oedipus Complex. New York: Brandon House. |
9 | Ahsen, A. (1984). Trojan horse: Imagery in psychology, art, literature & politics. New York: Brandon House. |
10 | Ahsen, A. (1986). The new structuralism: Images in dramatic interlock. New York: Brandon House. |
11 | Ahsen, A. (1987). Image psychology and the empirical method. New York: Brandon House. |
12 | Ahsen, A. (1988) ABC of Imagery. New York: Brandon House. |
13 | Ahsen, A. (1988). Age Projection Test: Short-term treatment of hysterias, phobias & other themes. New York: Brandon House. |
14 | Ahsen, A. (1988). Aphrodite: The psychology of consciousness. New York: Brandon House. |
15 | Ahsen, A. (1989). Eidetic Parents Test desk volume: Imagery techniques for analysis & treatment of developmental themes & symptoms. New York: Brandon House. |
16 | Ahsen, A. Ed. (1989). Mental imagery abstracts. JMI, 1977-1989. New York: Brandon House. |
17 | Ahsen, A. (1990). Behaviorists’ misconduct in science: The untold story of the image in cognitive psychology. New York: Brandon House. |
18 | Ahsen, A. (1990). Hyponoia: The underneath sense of being. New York: Brandon House. |
19 | Ahsen, A. (1991). Imagery & sociology. New York: Brandon House. |
20 | Ahsen, A. (1992). New Surrealism: The liberation of images in consciousness. New York: Brandon House. |
21 | Ahsen, A. (1992). Prolucid dreaming. New York: Brandon House. |
22 | Ahsen, A. (1993). Learning disability: An image approach. New York: Brandon House. |
23 | Ahsen, A. (1993). Imagery paradigm: Imaginative consciousness in the experimental and clinical setting. New York: Brandon House. |
24 | Ahsen, A. (1994). Illuminations on the path of Solomon. New York: Brandon House. |
25 | Ahsen, A. Ed. (1994). Imagery bibliography. New York: Brandon House. |
26 | Ahsen, A. (1995). Ganesh: The broken and the misshapen. Invocation and commentary on consciousness New York: Brandon House. |
27 | Ahsen, A. (1996). Guided imagery and education. New York: Brandon House. |
28 | Ahsen, A. (1998). Menstruation and menopause. Imagery therapeutics in social context. Lahore: Alpha Bravo. |
29 | Ahsen, A. (1999). Hot and cold mental imagery: Mind over body encounters. New York: Brandon House. |
30 | Ahsen, A. Ed. (2001). Imagery and the internet. New York: Brandon House. |
31 | Ahsen, A. (2005). Memory image: A posmodern experiment on recall. New York: Brandon House. |
32 | Ahsen, A. (Ahsen, A. (1995). L’ABC de l’image, (traduction de ABC of Imagery (1988). Québec : Institut d’analyse eidetique. |
AUTRES AUTEURS – cotes débutant à 050 | |
050 | Bent, N. (1995). Beyond MS: It’s all in the image. New York: Brandon House. |
051 | Caouette, L. (2011). L’expérience d’émergence de soi dans le contexte de la psychothérapie eidétique: une recherche phénoménologique. Thèse de doctorat. Québec : Université Laval. |
052 | Dolan, A.T. (1977). Imagery treatment of phobias, anxiety states and other symptom complexes in Akhter Ahsen’s Image Psychology. New York: Brandon House. |
053 | Hamel, O. (2006). Exploration des images du Test des parents eidétiques : s’adresser au co-conscient pour retrouver les racines de son être et enrichir la conscience. Document non publié. Disponible par l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique. |
054 | Hochman, J. (1994). The image psychology of Akhter Ahsen. An introduction. Reprinted from Journal of Mental Imagery. |
055 | Hochman, J. (1995). The image psychology of Akhter Ahsen. An introduction. Lahore: Dastavez. |
056 | Hochman, J. (1996). Eidetic imagery: A rich potential for all learners. Reprinted from Journal of Mental Imagery. |
057 | Hochman J. (1998). Memory and the eidetic: An integration. Doctoral dissertation.New York: Union Institute. (University Microfilms International, No. 98-34296). |
058 | Hochman J. (2000). Image and word in Ahsen’s Image Psychology. New York: Brandon House. |
059 | Hochman, J. (2002). La psychologie de l’image de Akhter Ahsen. Une introduction. Trad. de l’anglais par Hamel, O. et al. Document non publié. Disponible par l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique. |
560 | Hochman J. (2007) Brief Image Therapy. Ahsen’s 10-sessions Model. New York: Brandon House. |
061 | Marks, D.F. (Ed.) (1986). Theories of image formation. New York: Brandon House. |
062 | Nixon T. (1997). New treatment of alcohol and drug abuse in Akhter Ahsen’s Eidetic Image Therapy. New York: Brandon House. |
063 | Nixon T. (1997). New treatment of alcohol and drug abuse in Akhter Ahsen’s Eidetic Image Therapy. New York: Brandon House. |
064 | Parker, L.J. (1998). Mythopoesis and the crisis of postmodernism. Toward integrating image and story. New York: Brandon House. |
065 | Sheikh, A.A. & Schaffer, J.T. (1979). The potential of fantasy and imagination. New York: Brandon House. |
066 | Sussman, J.L. (2001). Images of desire. New York: Forge. |
067 | Sussman, J.L. (2003) Freedom from failure. New York: Brandon House. |
JOURNAL OF MENTAL IMAGERY (JMI) Seuls les titres des numéros faisant l’objet d’un thème particulier sont indiqués | |
2013 37(1&2). Self-emergence in eidetic psychotherapy: A bridge to the existential-humanistic perspective. Open peer commentary. Caouette. | |
2012 36(1&2). A default hypothesis of the development of internal and external imagery perspectives. Open peer commentary. Morris & Spittle. | |
2011 35(3&4). Mental imagery and embodied cognition: A multimodal approach. Iachini. | |
2011 35(1&2). New directions in imagery research in Japan. | |
2010 34(1&2). The eidetic image. Past, present and future. Hochman & Ahsen. | |
2009 33(3&4). Mental imagery abstracts 1990-2009 | |
2008 32(3&4). Psychopedagogy of learning theories. Issues, trends and applications in the field of education. Taktek. | |
2008 32(1&2). Autism. The picture approach. Ahsen. | |
2007 31(1&2). Brief image therapy. Ahsen’s ten session model. Hochman. | |
2006 30(3&4). The quantum image and the mental event. Quill. | |
2005 29(3&4). Unvividness paradox. Dynamics of imagery formation. Ahsen.Ahsen. | |
2003 27(3&4). Akhter Ahsen’s image and maze. Quantum imagery of implicate-explicate orders. Quill. | |
2003 27(1&2). Imagery and imagination in education. Hochman. | |
2002 26(3&4). Memory and the eidetic in phenomenological context and functional operations. Hochman. | |
2001 25(1&2). Imagery and the internet. Ahsen. | |
1992 16(1&2). Prolucid dreaming. Ahsen. | |
1988 12(3&4). Imagery and unvividness paradox. Ahsen. | |
1982 6(1). The nature and function of eidetic imagery. Marks & McKellar. |