Cette rubrique présente une bibliographie exhaustive des textes de Akhter Ahsen publiés depuis 1950, et quelques communications lors de congrès ou d’ateliers. Elle est suivie de plusieurs références d’auteurs qui ont publié sur l’image eidétique et ses applications.
- Ahsen, A. (1950). Simultaneous contradiction: Study of a basic psychological phantasy in metaphysics. Paper presented at the Philosophical Society, Government College, Lahore.
- Ahsen, A. (1952). An experimental study of mental resistance to falling objects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pakistan Science Conference, Lahore.
- Ahsen, A. (1953). Experiences from the thumb: A study of spontaneous fantasy correlate during nail etching on paper. Paper presented at Government College Psychological Society, Lahore.
- Ahsen, A. (1954). An examination of the concept of death instinct. M.A. Dissertation, University of the Punjab.
- Ahsen, A. (1956). An experimental study of free association, dream imagery, and yogic-concentration imagery of Shiva. Paper presented at Government College Psychological Society, Lahore,
- Ahsen, A. (1958). Urethral anxiety and mental expression: Psychological influence of micturition muscles over facial and abdominal muscles and other ideomotor muscular patterns. Paper presented at The Psychological Society, Rawalpindi.
- Ahsen, A. (1959a). Eidetic images of parents: Fifty basic experiments of repeatable relationships between parental images and body feelings; Summary and data. Paper presented at The Psychological Society, Rawalpindi.
- Ahsen, A. (1959b). Experimental study of the eidetic mana in dress, costume and disassociable body organs, such as shirts, hats, nails, teeth, involving 31 subjects. Presented at Government College Psychological Society, Lahore.
- Ahsen, A. (1959c). Hemispheric experiments on eidetic images of Parents. Presented at the Pakistan Science Conference.
- Ahsen, A. (1962). Eidetic images: A study of imagery steps for the evocation of mental structures. Paper with data presented at The Psychological Society, Rawalpindi.
- Ahsen, A. (1964). Eidetic images of parents, their relationship with symptoms and character formation. Paper presented at The Psychological Society, Rawalpindi.
- Ahsen, A. (1965). Eidetic psychotherapy: A short introduction. Lahore: Nai Matbooat.
- Ahsen, A. (1965). Eidetic psychotherapy: A short introduction. New York: Brandon House.
- Absen, A. (1968). Basic concepts in eidetic psychotherapy. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1970). The nature and behavior of pure eidetics. Doctoral dissertation, University of the Punjab.
- Ahsen, A. (1971). A second report on hemispheric experiments on eidetic images of parents. Paper read at Eidetic Analysis Institute, Yonkers, New York.
- Ahsen, A. (1972a). Anna 0: Patient of therapist? In V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy, New York: Brunner/Mazel.
- Ahsen, A. (1972b). Eidetic Parents Test and analysis: A practical guide to systematic and comprehensive analysis. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1973). Eidetics: A visual psychology. Invited address at the American Psychological Association 81st Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada.
- Ahsen, A. (1975). The primary image object. Notes from a talk delivered at the Medical University of South Carolina.
- Ahsen, A. (1976). Eidetics: An overview, unexpurgated. Unpublished manuscript.
- Ahsen, A. (1977a). Eidetics: An overview. Journal of Mental Imagery, 1(1), 5-38.
- Ahsen, A. (1977b). Psycheye: Self-analytic consciousness. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen A. (1978). Eidetics: Neural experiential growth potential for the treatement of accident traumas, debilitating stress conditions, and chronic emotional blocking. Journal of Mental Imagery, 2, 1-22.
- Ahsen, A. (1979). An image theory of conflict. Presented at Future Seminars Meeting: Image Institute, New York.
- Ahsen, A. (1979a). Eidetics: Redefinition of the ghost and its clinical application. Response to R.N. Haber’s Twenty years of haunting eidetic imagery: Where’s the ghost? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 594-596.
- Ahsen, A. (1979b). Image for effective psychotherapy: An essay on consciousness, anticipation and imagery. In A. Sheikh & J.T. Shaffer (Eds.), The potential of fantasy and imagination (pp. 11-25). New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1979c). Image Therapy: 30 Case Histories. Journal of Mental Imagery, 3, 123-154.
- Ahsen, A. (1979d). Manhunt in the desert. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen. A. (1980a). Eidetic therapy: A picture approach to psychosomatics, Somatics, Spring, 9-11.
- Ahsen, A. (1980b). Trauma imagery: 30 case histories. Journal of Mental Imagery, 4, 151-189.
- Ahsen, A. (1981a). Editorial. Mental imagery: New perspectives, Journal of Mental Imagery, 5(1). 1-4.
- Ahsen, A. (1981b). Imagery approach in the treatment of learning disability. Journal of Mental Imagery, 5(1), 157-196.
- Ahsen, A. (1981c). Visuality among other senses and the eidetic process. Response to E.R. Hilgard’s « Imagery and imagination in American psychology. » Journal of Mental Imagery, 5(l), 19-24.
- Ahsen, A. (1981d). Epi-chunks, eso-chunks, acro-chunks, and the disquieting virus of memory. Journal of Mental Imagery, 5(2), 17-20.
- Ahsen, A. (1981e). Imagery in hemispheric asymmetries: Research and application. Journal of Mental Imagery, 5(2), 157-194.
- Ahsen, A. (1981f). Eidetic group therapy. In C. Gazda (Ed.), Innovations to group therapy. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
- Ahsen, A. (1981g). November ).Image theory: Odysseus and Oedipus Rex. An essay on current image psychology and the literary technique of consciousness. Keynote address presented at the 5th American Imagery Conference, New York City.
- Ahsen. A. (1982a). Distal eidetic technology. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6(1), 28-31.
- Ahsen, A. (1982b). Principles of imagery in art and literature. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6(1), 213-250.
- Ahsen, A. (1982c). Imagery in perceptual learning and clinical application. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6(2), 157-186.
- Ahsen, A. (1982d). The royal court of the past: A history of imagery at Joseph Wolpe’s Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia. Journal of Mental Imagery, 6(2), 23-27.
- Ahsen, A. (1982e). Image: The signal systems bridge. An essay on image stimulation and verbal experience. Presented at Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, New York.
- Ahsen, A. (1983a). Odysseus and Oedipus Rex: Image psychology and the literary technique of consciousness. Journal of Mental Imagery, 7(1), 143-168.
- Ahsen, A. (1983b). Exile: The contemporary image of Man. Journal of Mental Imagery, 7(2), 139-168.
- Ahsen, A. (1983c). The actor within: Staging transformational images. Tape. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1983d). The literary play, literal play and the images: A note on continuity between literature and psychology. International Imagery Bulletin, 2, 23-27.
- Ahsen, A. (1984). Imagery, drama and transformation. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8(1) 53-78.
- Ahsen, A. (1984a). Heartbeat as stimulus for vivid imagery: A report on individual differences and imagery function. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8(2). 105-110.
- Ahsen, A. (1984b). Reading of image in psychology and literary text. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8(3), 1-32.
- Ahsen, A. (1984c). ISM: The Triple Code Model for imagery and psychophysiology. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8(4), 15-42.
- Ahsen, A. (1984d). Oedipus at Thebes: A classical drama. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1984e). Rhea Complex: A detour around Oedipus Complex. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1984f). Trojan horse: Imagery in psychology, art, literature & politics. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1985a). Medial hemispheric imbalance: Experiments on a clinically related imagery function. Journal of Mental Imagery, 9(1), 1-8.
- Absen, A. (1985b). Image psychology and the empirical method. Journal of Mental Imagery, 9(2), 1-40.
- Absen, A. (1985c). Unvividness paradox, Journal of Mental Imagery, 9(3), 1-18.
- Ahsen, A. (1985d). Hemispheric pyramid response. Imagery Abstracts and Monographs, 1, 1-2.
- Ahsen, A. (1986a). Prologue to unvividness paradox. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(1), 1-8.
- Ahsen, A. (1986b). New surrealist manifesto: Interlocking of sanity and insanity. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(2), 1-32.
- Ahsen, A. (1986c). The new structuralism: Images in dramatic interlock. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(3), 1-92.
- Ahsen, A. (1986d). Hot image: An experimental study of enhanced sensory connection to the mental image, with clinical implications. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(4), 1-22.
- Ahsen, A. (1987a). Epilogue to unvividness paradox. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11(1), 13-60.
- Ahsen, A. (1987b). Principles of unvivid experience: The girdle of Aphrodite. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11(2), 1-52.
- Ahsen, A. (1987c). Image psychology and the empirical method, with open peer commentary and response. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11(3&4), 1-295.
- Absen, A. (1987d). Rewriting the history and future of the Imagery movement (contains « Preface: A Story on Behavior Therapy »). Journal of Mental Imagery, 11(3&4), 159-295.
- Ahsen, A. (1988e) ABC of Imagery. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1988a). Prolucid dreaming: A content analysis approach to dreams. Journal of Mental Imagery, 12(1), 1-70,
- Ahsen, A. (1988b). Hypnagogic and hypnopompic imagery transformations. Journal of Mental Imagery, 12(2), 1-50
- Ahsen, A. (1988c). Imagery, Unvividness Paradox, and the paradigm of control. Journal of Mental Imagery, 12(3&4), 1-44.
- Ahsen, A. (1988d). Age Projection Test: Short-term treatment of hysterias, phobias & other themes. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1988e). Aphrodite: The psychology of consciousness. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1989a). Scientific misconduct in behaviorist circles: A response to Eysenck’s and Skinner’s response. Journal of Mental Imagery, 13(1), 1-20.
- Ahsen, A. (1989b). Hyponoia, hypnosis, and the eidetic. The underneath sense of images, impulses and thoughts. Journal of Mental Imagery, 13(2), 1-82.
- Ahsen, A. (1989c). Eidetic Parents Test desk volume: Imagery techniques for analysis & treatment of developmental themes & symptoms. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1989d). Guided imagery: The quest for a science. Parts I, II, & III. Education, 10(1), 2-32.
- Ahsen, A. (1990a). AA-VVIQ and imagery paradigm: Vividness and unvividness issue in VVIQ research programs. Journal of Mental Imagery, 14(3&4), 1-58.
- Ahsen, A. (1990b). Behaviorists’ misconduct in science: The untold story of the image in cognitive psychology. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1991)a. Imagery and consciousness: Putting together poetic, mythic and social realities. Journal of Mental Imagery, 15(1&2), 63-97.
- Ahsen, A. (1991b). Imagery & sociology. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1991c). A second report on AA-VVIQ: Role of vivid and unvivid images in consciousness research. Journal of Mental Imagery, 15(3&4), 1-32.
- Ahsen, A. (1992a). New Surrealism: The liberation of images in consciousness. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1992b). Prolucid dreaming. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1992c). Imagery of prayer: A pilot experiment on concepts and content. Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(3&4), 1-72.
- Ahsen, A. (1993a). Learning disability: An image approach. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1993b). Imagery paradigm: Imaginative consciousness in the experimental and clinical setting. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1993c). Imagery treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse: A new methodology for treatment and research. Journal of Mental Imagery, 17(3&4), 1-70.
- Ahsen, A. (1994a). Illuminations on the path of Solomon. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1994b). Personal diaries (90-53, Eide: An across-existences appearances; 90-54, Eidola; 90-55, Theory of imagery: Giants and gods in science).
- Ahsen, A. (1995a). Ganesh in classical and modern linguistics. Heaven Bone, 44-53.
- Ahsen, A. (1995b). Ganesh: The broken and the misshapen. Invocation and commentary on consciousness. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1996). Guided imagery and education. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (1997a). Phosphene Imagery Questionnaire: Third eye, eidetics, hypnosis and cosmic fantasy. Journal of Mental Imagery, 21(1&2), 1-104.
- Ahsen, A. (1997b). Visual imagery and performance during multisensory experience, synaesthesia and phosphenes. Journal of Mental Imagery, 21(3&4), 1-40.
- Ahsen, A. (1999). Hot and cold mental imagery: Mind over body encounters. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (2001). Imagery in sports, general performance and executive excellence. Journal of Mental Imagery, 25(3&4), 1-46.
- Ahsen, A. (2005a). Hemory image: A posmodern experiment on recall. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (2005b). Unvividness paradoxe: Dynamics of imagery formation. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A. (2007). Autism: The new picture approach to treatment. Journal of Mental Imagery, 31(3&4), 1-46.
- Ahsen, A. (2007b). Aphrodite. La psychologie de la conscience, chapitre 6. Traduction, Caranicola, L. Colas, A. de: A. Ahsen (1988). Aphrodite: The psychology of consciousness. New York: Brandon House. Document non publié disponible à l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique.
- Ahsen, A. (2008). Autism: The picture approach. New York: Brandon House.
- Ahsen, A., & Lazarus, A. A. (1972). Eidetics: An internal behavior approach in A. A. Lazarus (Ed.). Clinical behavior therapy (pp. 87-99). New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Akhter Ahsen a créé une revue scientifique The Journal of Mental Imagery pour encourager la diffusion des connaissances théoriques et empiriques dans le domaine général de l’imagerie mentale.
Roeckelein, 2004
- Alvoeiro, J.H.C.S. (1997). The Triple Code Model as a theoretical explanation of the effects of active mental practice in motor skills performance. Thèse de doctorat. Hull, England : University of Hull.
- Bent, N. (1995). Beyond MS: It’s all in the image. New York: Brandon House.
- Bent, N.A. (2006). Beyond vividness: Parental filters as moderators in mental imagery and measured anxiety level. Doctoral dissertation. New York: St John’s University. (University Microfilms International, No. TX6-383-894).
- Bent, N.A.; Wick, E. (2006). Beyond vividness: Parental filters as moderators in mental imagery and measured anxiety level. Journal of Mental Imagery, 30(1&2), 21-38.
- Caouette, L. (2013). Self-emergence in eidetic psychotherapy: A bridge to the existential-humanistic perspective. Open peer commentary target article. Journal of Mental Imagery. 37(1&2), 1-56.
- Caouette, L. (2013). Self-emergence, embodiment, and presence in eidetic psychotherapy: Integrative bridges to the existential-humanistic perspective and beyond. Open peer commentary response. Journal of Mental Imagery. 37(1&2), 112-123.
- Caouette, L. (2011). L’expérience d’émergence de soi dans le contexte de la psychothérapie eidétique: une recherche phénoménologique. Thèse de doctorat. Québec : Université Laval.
- Caouette, L. (2011). Self-emergence experience in eidetic psychotherapy : A phenomenological inquiry. APA conference abstract. PsycEXTRA 658802011-001, Washington, août 2011.
- Caouette, L. (2008). Experience of self-emergence in eidetic psychotherapy : A phenomenological inquiry. APA conference abstract. PsycEXTRA 520222008-001, Boston, août 2008.
- Caouette, L., & Hochman, J. (2007). Mental image as a companion in Eidetic Psychotherapy. Journal of Mental Imagery, 31(3&4), 47-62.
- Caouette, L., & Hochman, J. (2007). L’image mentale, une présence active en psychothérapie eidétique. Traduction de : Mental image as a companion in eidetic psychotherapy. Journal of Mental Imagery, 31(3&4), 47-62. Document non publié en français. Disponible à l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique.
- Dagnall, L. J. (2002). Alvoeiro’s experimental work on Ahsen’s triple code model (ISM): Active mental practice approach. Journal of Mental Imagery, 26(1&2), 139-173.
- Dagnall, L.J. (2003). Imagery as an educative psychotherapy model. In J. Hochman (Ed)., Imagery and imagination in education: Working with learning hability and disability &ADD with children and adults. New York: Brandon House.
- Dolan, A.T. (1977). Imagery treatment of phobias, anxiety states and other symptom complexes in Akhter Ahsen’s Image Psychology. New York: Brandon House.
- Drake, S.M. (1996). Guided imagery and education : Theory, practice and experience. Journal of Mental Imagery, 20(1&2), 1-58.
- Duval, L. (2006) : La formation d’image et le choix professionnel. Bulletin d’Orientaction vol.3 no2. Disponible sur le site : http://www.orientaction.ca/bulletins/v3-n2/v3-n2a.html
- Duval, L. (2006-2007) : Image formation and Career choice. Contact point Bulletin. Available at : http://www.contactpoint.ca/bulletins/v10-n3/v10-n3.html
- Hamel, O. (2006). Exploration des images du Test des parents eidétiques : s’adresser au co-conscient pour retrouver les racines de son être et enrichir la conscience. Document non publié. Disponible par l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique.
- Hochman, J. (1994). The image psychology of Akhter Ahsen. An introduction. Journal of Mental Imagery, 18 (3&4), 1-118.
- Hochman J. (1998). Memory and the eidetic: An integration. Doctoral dissertation.New York: Union Institute. (University Microfilms International, No. 98-34296).
- Hochman J. (2000). Image and word in Ahsen’s Image Psychology. New York: Brandon House.
- Hochman J. (2002a). Ahsen’s Triple Code Model of dynamic imagery and mindbody connection in contemporary psychology. Journal of Mental Imagery, 26(1&2), 111-138.
- Hochman J. (2002b). Memory and the eidetic in phenomenological context and functional operational operations. New York: Brandon House.
- Hochman, J. (2002c). La psychologie de l’image de Akhter Ahsen. Une introduction. Trad. de l’anglais par Hamel, O. et al. Document non publié. Disponible par l’Institut canadien de l’image eidétique.
- Hochman J. (2003a). Ahsen’s Image Model of Education. Journal of Mental Imagery, 27(1&2), 150-194.
- Hochman J. (2003b). Image and learning in psychological research, psychotherapy and education: A new dynamic story. Journal of Mental Imagery, 27(3&4), 177-187.
- Hochman J. (2003c). Imagery and imagination in education: Working with learning ability and disability &ADD with children and adults. New York: Brandon House.
- Hochman J. (2007) Brief Image Therapy. Ahsen’s 10-sessions Model. New York: Brandon House.
- Hochman J. (2009). Editorial: Blending tradition and innovation. Journal of Mental Imagery, 33(1&2), 1-4.
- Marks, D.F. (1973). Visual imagery differences in the recall of pictures. British Journal of Psychology, 64, 17-24.
- Marks, D.F. (Ed.) (1986). Theories of image formation. New York: Brandon House.
- Mc Kelvie, S.J. (1994). Effects of parental filter on reported imagery vividness. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79, 243-253.
- Mc Kelvie, S.J. (1995). The VVIQ as a psychometric test of individual differences in visual imagery vividness : A critical quantitative review and plea for direction. Journal of Mental Imager, 19, 1-106.
- McKelvie, S.J. (1995). Vividness of visual imagery. Measurement, nature, function and dynamics. New York: Brandon House.
- Mc Kelvie, S.J. (2000). Parental imagery vividness : Gender differences and relationships to emotional closeness. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 126 (4), 373-400.
- Nixon T. (1997). New treatment of alcohol and drug abuse in Akhter Ahsen’s Eidetic Image Therapy. New York: Brandon House.
- Parker, L.J. (1998). Mythopoesis and the crisis of postmodernism. Toward integrating image and story. New York: Brandon House.
- Pribram, K.H. (1971). Languages of the brain. Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology. New York: Brandon House.
- Quill, G.W.(Ed) (2003). Akhter Ahsen’s image and maze. Quantum imagery of implicate-explicate orders. New York: Brandon House.
- Roeckelein, J.E. (2004). Imagery in psychology. A reference guide. Westport:Praeger.
- Richardson, A. (1983). Imagery: Definition and types. In A.A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagery. Current theory, research, and application (pp. 3-42). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Sheikh, A.A. (1978). Eidetic psychotherapy. In J.L. Singer,& K.S. Pope (Eds.), The power of human imagination: New methods in psychotherapy. New York: Plenum Press, 197-223.
- Sheikh, A.A. (Ed.) (2002a). Handbook of therapeutic imagery techniques. New York: Baywood.
- Sheikh, A.A. (Ed.) (2003). Healing images: The role of imagination in health. New York: Baywood.
- Sheikh, A.A. et Sheikh, K.S. (2007). Healing with death imagery. Amityville, NY: Baywood.
- Sheikh, A.A. & Jordan, C.S. (1983). Clinical use of mental imagery. In A.A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagery. Current theory, research, and application (pp. 391-435). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Sheikh, A.A. & Jordan, C.S. (2001). Eidetic psychotherapy. In R.J. Corsini, Handbook of innovative therapy. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Sheikh, A.A. & Schaffer, J.T. (1979). The potential of fantasy and imagination. New York: Brandon House.
- Sussman, J.L. (2001). Images of desire. New York: Forge.
- Sussman, J.L. (2003) Freedom from failure. New York: Brandon House.
- Taktek, K. (2000). Stratégie pédagogique et apprentissage d’une tâche motrice chez des enfants de huit à dix ans. Thèse de doctorat. Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Taktek, K. (2004). The effect of mental imagery on the acquisition of motor skills and performance: A literature review with theoretical implications. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(1&2), 79-114.
- Taktek, K. (2006). Mental representation: Fundamental principles and ontogenetic perspectives. Journal of Mental Imagery, 30(1&2), 125-161.
- Taktek, K. (2008). Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends and applications in the field of education. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4), 1-132.
- Taktek, K., & Hochman, J. (2004). Ahsen’s Triple Code Model as a solution to some persistent problems within Adam’s closed loop theory and Schmidt’s motor schema theory. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(1&2), 115-158.
- Taktek, K., & Rigal, R. (2005). Stratégies pédagogiques et apprentissage d’une tâche motrice discrète chez des enfants de huit à dix ans. Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation, 31(3), 607-632
- Taktek, K., Salmoni, A., Rigal, R. (2004). The effect of mental imagery on the learning and transfer of a discrete motor task by young children. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(3&4), 87-120.
- Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., & St-John, B. (2008). Visual versus kinesthetic mental imagery: Efficacy for the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill in young children. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(3), 174-187.
- Thomas, V. (2016). Using mental imagery in counselling and psychotherapy. A guide to more inclusive theory and practice. London, Great Britain: Routeledge.